$1.3B Ice, page-40

  1. 890 Posts.
    YOU have branded sugar a deadly addictive drug when it is NOT! and so stop scarring the kiddies please!

    If you can't manage to stop shoving it down ya glutinous gob by the kilo then you may indeed kill YOUR SELF in the end and all by your own selfishness so be careful.

    DO NOT BLAME THE SUGAR(S) and instead take some responsibility for your own actions.

    It aint exactly rocket science buddy  smile.png

    “Sugar is a killer, very insidious. If you think its not addictive then I challenge you to stop eating sugar for just one month in all its forms including some breads, fruit, alcohol and all its other forms. Just one month I challenge you to that, I have done it for several months.”

    Dude, I very rarely use or add refined sugars these days anyway so there’s no point for me to challenge. Now please don’t be asking me to remove the sugar from mi spuds, carrots and broccoli because mi body needs it to stay healthy and run properly.

    There’s ZERO need for you to be worrying about some Nimbychap from the Nimby hills cause I’m all over it like a bad rash mate  wink.png

    As for cancers loving sugar All4One, shouldn't you be saying that gobbling down excessive amounts of 'sugars' makes the human body very acidic and that cancers simply love and thrive in this type of environment?????? Well of course you should but it appears you're a tad lost on this topic, oh well and never mind as it is your body after all aye.

    Sugar, Acidity in the Body, and Disease

    <img src="https://usercontent2.hubstatic.com/7743885.jpg" data-ratio="0.93" alt=""/>

    Our modern diet is no stranger to excess sugar consumption. Sugar is everywhere you look, in plain sight: in sodas, juices, candy, and baked goods, and hidden: visible only in the ingredient labels of common food items such as ketchup, yogurt, and even spaghetti sauce. It masquerades in many forms- high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup solids, artificial sweeteners, fructose, sucrose, and dextrose, to name a few. But even the "healthy" alternatives, such as honey, agave nectar, and maple sugar, all have effects within the body. Are you fully informed on the effects all this sugar is having on your health?

    What Is All This Sugar Doing?

    The warnings are everywhere: sugar consumption causes tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity. High fructose corn syrup has gotten a bad rap and food producers are scrambling to offer alternatives. But a little-known side-effect of all this sugar is its effect on body pH and the resulting cascade of physical problems leading to chronic and potentially life-threatening disease. If the majority of Americans were aware of these implications, many of them would probably drastically alter their diets. Sugar, and its substitutes, are poisoning us in insidious ways. And acidity in the body is a very insidious thing indeed.

    What is an Acidic Body pH and What Does Sugar Have to Do With It?

    A normal pH range in the body is 7.35-7.45. Any measurements outside this range in either direction can have dangerous consequences. Many acute (meaning sudden) and serious illnesses that can land people in the hospital intensive care unit will result in, or be the result of, an extremely acidic or alkaline body pH.

    Thankfully, the body has many compensating mechanisms for correcting these imbalances, and for most of us, a stay in the hospital on any given day due to pH imbalance isn't likely. But what about more subtle pH variations? Can that cause problems? The answer is a resounding YES. And many of us walk around every day with a body pH that is too acidic, thanks to excess sugar consumption. Did you know that the average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar per year!?

    As you can see from the chart below, sugar (in all its forms) is highly acidic. And when you stop and consider how prevalent it is in foods (and often in very high amounts), it is easy to see how significant its influence is in contributing to an acidic body pH.

    Diseases Caused by Acidity

    There are many diseases that can be traced back to high acidity. These include:

    • Osteoporosis
    • Tooth decay
    • Obesity
    • Cancer
    • Heartburn/gastric reflux
    • Arthritis
    • Yeast infections

    Interestingly, if you look at the above list, many of the diseases already known to be caused by a diet high in sugar directly relate back to an acidic body chemistry. When the body is acidic, it has mechanisms in place to try to counteract that and bring body pH back to the healthy 7.35-7.45 range. For example, it pulls calcium from bones to neutralize the acidic pH, leading to osteoporosis and tooth decay. And fatty deposits form to trap acidic waste products which an otherwise overloaded system cannot excrete, leading to obesity.

    Consider, briefly, the following article. Notably, all three conditions mentioned have a common relationship: acidity in the body. Is one caused by the other, or are all three related to an acidic body pH?

    Keep in mind, the "all other foods" category includes all those hidden sources of sugar. Often, you won't even be aware you're consuming it unless you read the label! Common hidden sugar sources include:

    • Ketchup
    • Spaghetti sauce
    • Barbeque sauce
    • Yogurt
    • Peanut butter
    • Vitamin and energy drinks (even vitamin water has 13 grams of sugar per serving)

    Fortunately, many natural sugar substitutes have the benefit of having little to no impact on the body's glycemic index (blood sugar level), which also means they have less effect on body acidity. But keep in mind, these sweeteners still have an acidic pH, so like everything else in life, moderation is key.

    The following is a list of low-glycemic natural sugar substitutes:

    • Stevia
    • Whey-low
    • Agave nectar

    Other natural approaches to creating a more alkaline (less acidic) body pH include:

    • Drinking more water (which helps flush out excess acid)
    • Eating more alkaline foods (such as spinach, broccoli, avocados, carrots, garlic, apples)
    • Supplements such as potassium citrate, magnesium citrate, and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

    In Conclusion...

    The adage "knowledge is power" applies to the effects of sugar on acidity in the body. Armed with the knowledge that sugar has profound impacts on your overall health, you can make the best choices for yourself and create a healthy, balanced diet. Our bodies strive to maintain a delicate balance of optimal pH and are constantly at war with outside influences that alter that pH. With the understanding that sugar consumption can have an effect on your body's healthy pH, what will you do?

    So yeah, yurrrrr a bit of a time waster here on this one unfortunately but I still won't do the childish ignore thing just because you can't handle the facts so you go for champ.
    HIGH Mr ‘Thumbs Up’ sharky Marky……… What, too afraid to interact these days??????  tongue.png

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