could Australia be invaded?

  1. 25,634 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    In light of what's happening in the Ukraine I thought it may be prudent to suggest to those who hate the USA and the UK (with a passion that is beyond me) to take a moment and think that if Australia was in the same situation who would help us.
    The Ukraine has been invaded, the USA, the UN, the EU, are all looking the other way. They are all protesting and decrying such terrible behavior but they are still not helping

    Russia has already taken the Crimea and is in the process of taking the rest, the Ukraine will soon cease to be an independent country

    We have to our north many countries that are bigger, poorer with larger armies and military hardware than we have and regardless of what all the doves say "it will never happen" the fact is that if they NEED what we have and are no longer satisfied to just buy houses and mines but need the lot who is going to stop them

    Although the USA and to a certain degree the UK are not the ideal friends or display the best manners and attitudes to the world in general they are still vitally necessary to our well being and just the fact that they say they are our friends and we show that friendship by supporting them is enough to make any envious neighbors to the north very cautious

    It must be remembered that Japan entered the last war to get oil, they had literately a months supply of fuel when they embarked to get the oil reserves in the Pacific. They NEEDED the oil

    So if the shoe fits just remember we are a small country and small countries need friends so if not them who?
    Just look to yourself and decide whether your hate is justified

    If you read my posts you will see that I do criticize them but I don't hate them
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