We live on the edge of a moment the past behind us and the...

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    We live on the edge of a moment the past behind us and the future ahead. This is just a snap-shot in time. It is just a moment in an evolving process. We have moved from a tribal, reactive animal to the most social and interdependent mammal on earth. We have established law and the rights of the individual. You don't have to go back too far and these things didn't really exist. We are slowly evolving socially, intellectually and morally.

    Man does rule himself and every decade or so that rule become more just, more inclusive and includes new countries that have evolving judicial and social systems. We have not failed in any way, we have stumbled along the way but look how far we have come and yes there is a long way to go but that's how everything works. Everything evolves from less to more, from injustice to justice, from ignorance to enlightenment. It can't go the other way.

    You have this dream but turning dreams into reality takes a lot of hard work and the best of educations to put into practice. Lets say we have all these religious bods praying for change and on the other hand a group working for change, who is it that actually makes change happen? I put it to you that prayer is action and not some imaginary dialogue with a figment of your imagination. If somebody feeds the hungry, that's prayer. If somebody prays for or wishes good will to the hungry that's actually nothing. Waiting for this God to do something, to change everything is actually a big nothing as well.

    As for a government in heaven, what possible purpose could such a notion serve? We are on earth, not in some mythical heaven. If you want heaven on earth in a metaphorical sense then forget wandering the streets knocking on doors and do something real.
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