MI you are calling the kettle black again and did not even...

  1. 1,282 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    MI you are calling the kettle black again and did not even attempt to answer what I asked - but I well understand why because based on past evidence you are advocating the election of the Labor Party proven to be party to .....

    "borrowing our way to delusional Sovereign Happiness with Out-Of-Control Sovereign Debt" and which could result in difficulties one day.

    I hasten to add that had a Liberal government been in power during the GFC, debt would have grown by huge proportions as well because they too always gave cash handouts during such times. Last Liberal cash splash was 1998 by Howard IF I remember correctly and this seems to be something you guys forget very conveniently.

    And you actually asked me two questions (not one) which I answered. That is the Liberals may well still be in power IF Abbott disappeared and that continuing Liberal policies may not suit everyone.

    What you forcefully proclaim you will tell me is nothing more than what YOU hope would happen to vindicate your ideas and that may well be way astray of the outcome.

    The truth is that the government needs to replace the revenue given away by Howard bribes of tax cuts and Superannuation largess of incredible proportions plus other Labor reforms (some of which were backed by Abbott) and though desirable in an equitable society, are certainly hugely expensive. Without extra revenue coming into the coffers, and with exports currently reduced in value, the growing debt to service promises is a problem needing attention - (same as the Yanks and many others. Just how US borrowings can ever be repaid without catastrophic outcomes is beyond my comprehension.)

    Our government desperately needs to claw back bribes given out stupidly during Howard days but it is always easier to give revenue away than to collect it. I just hope the lower paid workers in this country are not further penalised - they simply cannot afford it but those on massive incomes certainly can. The current burdens on low paid workers (AND THEIR KIDS) is tragic for such a relatively wealthy country. Put your self in their shoes for a change - truly a sad indictment of the crude greed of many overpaid individuals including politicians.

    And finally some current policies may not be the best - they never are. I agree there.

    But then when you explain "What benefit to the country would be served by electing Shorten? And just how would it repair/help the Liberal party?" I am sure you will enlighten me as to why your support for destruction of the Liberal Party has even the slightest merit.

    The policies may need adjustment for sure but I doubt electing the Shorten Labor Party is the answer.
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