Abbott's broken Health Promise

  1. 46,841 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Prior to the 2013 Election Tony Abbott promised "No Cuts, cuts, cuts ..... ". He even claimed that he was the best friend Medicare ever had and promised NOT to shut down any of Labor's Medicare locals:

    Well as of this morning we're learning more about what Abbott is actually doing:

    "Australian patients will be hit by a new $20 fee for seeing their GP when changes to Medicare, introduced by the Abbott government to save billions of dollars, begin to take effect from next week. ..."

    Now recall that Abbott's disgraceful $7 co-payment has been forced onto GPs to collect and it's apparent that the provision of universal health care in Australia has received a body blow like never before from THE man who promised he was the best friend Medicare ever had.
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