Give it up - all you whitey scum' (and I have never been...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Give it up - all you whitey scum' (and I have never been ANGRIER!)

    This Drum session tonight, as I write - consists of total and utter, studied, BIAS - the HOST - AND the THREE panellists, (all of them Aboriginal) ALL totally po-faced - telling us all - in NO uncertain terms - we - non-indigenous, are a pack of RACIST, cruel, hurtful, scum of the earth racists and bigots - according to this program tonight - the whole of the Australian social structure is on the verge of collapse - as are the whole indigenous population - because WE, insensitive , racist louts we all are - dared to go a footy match - and some of us said BOO!

    To precious Adam Goodes - who brought this all onto himself. Singling out a 13 year old silly and totally socially naive child --(what about HER mental suffering) - and also using the Australian of the Year platform to launch a divisive year of snarly victimhood.

    Goods is PART white! I am NOT racist. I have Sri Lankan family. I have Italian family. Whose grandparents were abused - called wogs and dagoes. As were many Europeans - when they first came out here.

    ABC now don't even bother with balance. They just go for STACKED - totally stacked. Many of the instances of racism brought up tonight invovled epsiodes which people experienced forty, fifty or sixty years ago.

    Women have been being abused for time immemorial - JUST for being female. A woman is a prosititue - if she has to sell her body in order to eat - or feed her family Are the men who use her called any vile names> No.

    And so it goes. Jews, Wogs, Chinks, Africans being called the most revolting names -
    of course racism exists Ignroance exists. Evil exists. We all do th best we can to stop it. But some of it can never be eradicated.

    But ABC - WE pay for your programs to exist. Tonight you insult a whole population. Not even blinking - lumping each and every one of us, out here, as RACIST!

    We've had enough! YOUR organisation is to be roundly condemned - not for promoting tolerance and social cohesion - at least give us even a semblance of "pretend" balance - but no, on and on this insulting went - you ensured you were keeping the real racist fires going.

    Whomever the cynical, twisted politically correct obsessive it was who produced tonight's program, and so stacked the whole panel - ought to be sacked, forwith. This stacked bias came into the Nazi propaganda class. Substitute hatred of Jews for hatred of white man - especially football goers - or of those with an alternate viewpoint - and a democratic and civilly expressed opinion!

    We can all sit around with our heads in our hands. The majority of us experience mental cruelty in one form, or another, during our lives. Some of it at the hands of so-called friends: I have relatives who lost ALL on Black Saturday - just had the clother on their back. All lifetime memories and precious personal memorabilia gone. Their chldren still having nightmares - most sill being counselled, or on anti-depressants, just to keep going. It disgusts me - and is extremely hurtful to them - as they've found many of their supposed former "good and close" friends - even lifetime ones - have now dropped them like hot cakes - turns out they are ingorant people - who cannot understand such depths of suffering - and so stay away. Never able to undertsand - (or unwilling to try) - the immense tragic experiences and nightmare memories these fire survivors are still experiencing. SO find it easier to just not contact them any more. Hateful people. Hurtful people! Just when such people need loving support most - they are not getting it. Friends desert them. White people can suffer too. The indigenous seem to think it's always ONLY themselves who suffer - in this big wide world?

    ANY worthwhile TV serious debate at least has to present alternate views to be regarded as having viable intellectual integrity. Tonight's DRUm just preached racial hatred - blacks hating whites.

    It's, twisted PC soaked ABC, which gave us dictatorial and hate-filled anti-white propaganda, by the truckload. It was unbelievable. One would have thought WW3 was imminent - such were the dramatics! The melodrama. The long faces. If these people so opining are leaders - no wonder the kids in these communites have NO hope for the future. Here was hate and negativity and anti-white prejudice stacked mile high!.

    The panellists talked about US committing the "crime" of putting the indigeneous into little boxes of classification - then spent the whole show doing exactly the same to us - the NON-indigenous! Classed us - put us, ALL, into the insulting one-box category - painting us all as absolutely and wholly cruel RACISTS.. Painting us ALL with the same spiteful and nasty brush.

    Not ONE so-called white person on the show. It was all "we hate you, white man" and ALL of this current debacle is YOUR fault, white man, stuff.

    Absolutely disgusting. And, during this WHOLE program - lips down round boots - not ONE smile was to be had - during the whole show. Not one! ALl looked at if they had all lost teir last sixpence. Where is the joie de vivre? even themost desperate people in refugee camps can give the most beaming smile - in the face of total and tragic adversity.

    If anything, sadly, this program tonight conveyed to me the actuality of the hidden depths of buried hatreds the indigneous community - (or most of them) must harbor against us - the so-called "racist, evil, biased, bigotted" whites, If this sample tonight was a reliable indicator - then that's a very very sad, and chilling, fact to discover. I was very shaken.

    And Goodes and his Sydney Swans mate revealed it - in each of their allegedly pre-meditated spear throwing jigs. I now realise - here was no "fun" - this was an illustratiob of THEIR oure hatred of US!

    How shockingly SAD! And this was therefore showing their REVERSE RACISM - which what - we're not allowed to mention? Was never mention - on the Drum. No, we were all "the Evil Ones!"

    To me, also, sadly, this event has also indicated that those who thought/allege Goodes was being divisive with remakrs he made during his year as Australian of the Year, were actually right on the money. He was - and he IS, I now deduce. Am I forbidden to even post THIS opinion. In doing so, willI be punished - what, - run in by the new ABC AFL inspired Thought Police? If not now - is this the way the future is going? This cultivation of race hatred - two ways?

    If this silliness keeps up - I predict people will be staying away from AFL football in droves. I for one will not renew my membership. Aussies do NOT like being told what and how to think - let alone told they are racist, when all they are doing is going to a match to enjor themselves, and barrack. What, go to a match - and be dobbed in, by some sour-faced politically correct neighbour. MAybe, in future, a plain-clothed Thought Police employee? And then have to appear in court - did I BOO the player - or the umpire - the other team - or the abysmal low score/effort of MY own team? Lawyers Paradise? A jury to decide what I meant - in calling out? Recorded barracking, for proof? Photos of cuprits? Texts overseen? Out of hand dictatorial marchings off, in handcuffs - this is now in the realms of the totally ridicukous. But possible. After this.

    70 other indigneous footballers, in AFL - and Goodes the only one to complain? No one mentioned that very telling stat. Especially The Drum. Most supproters love and respect all their players - including the indigneous. The Muslims, The Fijians. The Europeans. The Canadians and the Yanks. The Irish. Who cares - as long as they're good. Or try, their best.

    Shame on you, ABC. Shame on this stacked show. This is the absolute worst case of utter and total pre-meditated PC propoganda and character assassination (agaist Caucasians) its ever been my misfortune to view.Shame on it's Presenter. Shame on its stacked panellists.Who sat there and lit the fires of racial hate and division, blew on them until they raged - allowed all of us in viewing land to be shamefuly and continuously categorised, if :white" - and labelled as all of us being the very worst kinds of "Racist." ALL of us. In fact, they all delighted in promoting this totally offensive line.
    Tonight was wholly racist Against the non-indigneous. A nasty seed - Firmly planted now - in some ugly garden By this disgraceful totally Lefty and politically correct "The Drum." Where it never was, before.

    How can these people at ABC lie straight in bed, at night?
    Last edited by iron mike: 31/07/15
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