Aboriginal Fairy Tales

  1. 12,118 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 242
    I get it. We all want to be kind to the 110,000 sad aboriginals in regional hell holes.

    They have to stay in the zoos to make a cause for the other 700,000 who identify as aboriginal in the cities to "have a cause".

    Now activists needed to paint them as "noble savages" so made stuff up.

    1) Books like "Dark Emu" put into libraries. Aboriginals had towns, irrigation and farming long before colonisation.
    2) Talk of "First Nations". Aboriginals had nations, they weren't just nomadic family groups.
    3) Aboriginals "owned the land". They had an ownership system as shown by Polynesians from the Islands North of Australia.
    4) Aboriginals were happy, peace loving, environmental, custodians of the land.
    5) Aboriginals had languages capable of translating the complexities of "Advance Australia Fair".
    6) The evil colonisers recorded aboriginals as fauna.
    7) The evil colonisers took children away who were being well cared for by their aboriginal families.

    Enough with the ABC mood music. The aboriginal activists have over reached. The referendum will be a successfully NO. Its time to really help the 110,000 sad regional aboriginals into Australian society through self responsibility. Time to expose the tick-a-boxes.

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