Reports are saying Trump is to nominate Amy Coney Barret to the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 36
    Reports are saying Trump is to nominate Amy Coney Barret to the SCOTUS.

    I'm not a big fan and here is why:

    - She said she will recuse herself from any decision the pope holds a position on. IMO, this alone disqualifies her.
    - She ruled against Republicans to enforce unconstitutional Democrat lock-down orders.
    - She believes government can mandate vaccines.
    - She was recommended by the Federalist Society, the same group that advised president Trump to put Christopher Wray at the FBI.
    - She is risky and may not get the confirmation from the Senate due to a number of controversial statements she has made in the past.
    - She is the establishment pick.

    Barbara Logoa would be a superior pick and here is why:

    - She has a perfect conservative record. Check mate!
    - She is a Cuban American so she understands the dangers of statism.
    - She is endorsed by populist Matt Gaets and Gov. Desantis of Florida.
    - IMO, her confirmation guarantees Trump wins Florida in November.
    - In Florida, she is the judge who refused to allow felons to vote until they paid their fines. (Bloomberg has since paid these fines so they can vote)
    - Barbara has a history of standing up to the deep state, she is the judge who unsealed the Epstein files that had been blocked by Democrats and Republicans.
    - Alongside Gov. Desantis she is pro anti-lock downs and this will be important when the SCOTUS votes on the constitutionality of lock-downs.
    - She is the populist, patriot pick.

    But it's Trump's decision and both choices are far superior than a Democrat judge who consistently defies the constitution.

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