"No wotsup, the CC is only doing what was commissioned by...

  1. 23,356 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "No wotsup, the CC is only doing what was commissioned by Christ, to baptise and make disciples of all nations."

    That's a sheep in wolf's clothing that hasn't even covered it's face or rear end. eek.png
    "Apart from that many are waking up to how and why the world is in such a state, the outcome of the last 500 years of history brought on by the reformation"

    Get with the times mate, this is all part of the numerous deceptions over the years for the counter to the reformation, so what was first established by many highly regarded scholar findings, that the Papal was satan's Throne, would get forgotten.
    Things like futurism, falsely creating prophesies of a 3rd Temple, get people to wrongly focus on Israel and it's people etc.
    In other words, get their eyes off the now spiritual.

    The world is in such a state, due to the CC, pretty much limited Advocate in play, otherwise you wouldn't recognize the world.
    "making enemies of anyone who has the misfortune to respond to your post"

    Truth does that, where have you been and I will not let truth out of my hands.
    The CC wouldn't know Jesus's voice if it came like a ROARING thunder, like never before, as the current CC's do NOT know the REAL Jesus, you have absolutely created another, just as the Bible warns us about and corrupted the simplicity in him as per the simple childlike language in Luke, of his first all time beginnings, 2nd Adam MAN.
    "giving you CC theology,"

    Which constantly gets rolled with the BIBLE.
    "I told you and Mrg that I have a place all ready for you's in the CC,"

    Speaking for myself, you won't be getting me to enter Hell, if that's something you follow.
    I won't be joining the following -> John 10:1 - Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
    "I have also said many times that the world is in a state of purification, especially from the ideology of the past 200 years of shakers and movers
    That the CC will be purified first, then America and Russia spicificly communism and Cultural Marxism"

    OH My, what a Delusional state you are in 2 Thes.
    The Bible is LOUD and CLEAR, that until Jesus's return, things continue to get, worse and worse and more worse.
    Try actually reading the Bible instead of swallowing indoctrinations.

    "Do ask whereu, who would he would follow, is it your bible bashing or Catholic truth"

    It is CLEAR and obvious by now, that to quite a degree, he swallows other seeds.
    Not to mention, things for him are his way or the highway, or he turns on you, so your comment here is not worth a pinch of salt, but showing pure desperation.
    Not to mention, to a degree which we can't enter into, he no doubt has a vested interest, in the trinity following.

    "I can assure you I'm 100% correct on this"

    Absolutely not, just like the only true God and Father that Jesus independently of himself defines him as, is not the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, like your lying claims stated.
    The likes of that is what's in your Temple, 2 Thes 2:4.
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