Asylum seeker case collapses, Morrison out manoeuvres Advocates, page-26

  1. 7,016 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Fair suck of the sav' gttrain, you've now got me picturing SHY in a hot sweaty room on Manus after sharing a pot of curried ham and chickpea stew with a couple of the latest would-be illegals.
    I'm thinking that SHY acquiring good curry making skills from them might not be at the top of her things-to-do-next list.
    Getting out of there and getting some fresh air might rank highly methinks.
    Didn't I read somewhere SHY demanding to be sent to, or allowed to visit, Curtin? Detention Centre in outback WA to check on the illegals?
    I seem to recall Scott Morrison being quoted as describing the SHY as "shrill" and "hysterical" and I couldn't help but think that is only on her good days.
    Let's face it SHY has never been shy and retiring.
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