Australia Day

  1. 363 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    It is time for all Australians to think about our country and how we can improve the standard of living of ALL Australians. What is important? What kind of Ethos or Moral Code do we want to embody as a Nation? We all know that things have to change because the World we live in has changed. We need to adapt to the new way of things and it may mean that we have to take a step backwards from the freedoms and comforts that we hold so dear. So you cannot go on holiday abroad, you have to wear a mask, you cannot have a party? Boo Hoo! Are we really that stupid and self-centered that these things are worth fighting about? If we are to become a truly independent Nation then we need to have a population that is willing to get their hands dirty and do the jobs that we once delegated to people from other countries. We can no longer afford to have 10 office workers for 1 labourer . We can no longer use a University Degree or some other qualification as an excuse not to take a lesser qualified job that is on offer.The recent shortage of people willing to pick fruit is a great example of how weak and entitled Australian's have become. Waiting for the Government to "import" workers from some 3 rd World Country to pick the fruit and vegetables on our farms is the most blatant statement of Racial Prejudice any country could make. We have people without a job and yet we think it is OK to pay them money to sit at home and do nothing , while getting workers from poorer countries to pick up the slack? And yet some of these same people are calling for a change in the date of Australia day? In what Universe is this OK? How is this not RACIST? And yet so many of you seem happy to take the cash on offer and sit on your backside and moan about anyone and everything that stops you from licking at the trough you accuse your politicians have their noses in? You want to protest about Australia Day? Does anyone in Australia REALLY think this is the most important problem facing us at the moment?
    If you have a roof over your head ,food in your belly and a chance of earning a buck tomorrow then consider yourself blessed. If you have a bed, clean clothes and a modicum of self respect then you will survive without ANY help from the Government. There are jobs there for people who WANT to work. No excuses. CHINA is waiting, CHINA is happy that the Australian population has become so weak and dependent on the "System" to take care of them, that is what they want. WEXIT is not an Australian idea, it is the first step to China's total take over of our country. If you live in this land, it is YOUR DUTY to protect it and you can do that by working as hard as you can to make it strong. If we slack then we will all be slaves to China. No colour, no creed, no caste or political persuasion OR historical ownership should divide us from what is a common goal, TO KEEP AUSTRALIA FOR AUSTRALIANS!!!!!!
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