Are you being pedantic? I didn't ask you a specific question but...

  1. 1,995 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    Are you being pedantic?
    I didn't ask you a specific question but I did question some assumptions in one of your posts that I thought we may be able to discuss (link to post below).

    I didn't attack you personally I questioned something, saw no reply, but saw continued posts of rehashed news articles. In my experience that indicates a troll. You now have the chance to change that impression by constructively arguing your point over sub division.

    Don't assume that you are the only one to have lived through the peaks and troughs of property.

    If you owned property in Sydney between 2003 and the most recent boom then you would know that it went no where. In fact in went backwards in real terms. So why is it so hard to grasp that eventually a commodity that is in demand and has limited supply would experience some appreciation.

    I owned property through this time. Luckily I have along term outlook otherwise I might have sold. Thankfully I didn't and have enjoyed the recent boom and low interest rates.

    "whatever it takes to accept that prices do also sometimes go down"
    As above, we all know that. None of the regulars on this forum have ever suggested otherwise.

    "And they will fall very hard this time"
    Well that is the big question isn't. How hard. Harder than they have gone up. IMO not in Sydney. Too much demand in inner city Sydney.
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