Big Coal's 2014 Nightmare

  1. 10,897 Posts.
    Further confirmation that not only is coal in decline but facing liabilities for the harm it causes to our health.

    "All the indications are that 2015 may well be the year in which Big Coal’s transition towards ‘Little Coal’ accelerates.
    A conservative estimate based on the limited pool studies done to date is that at least 800,000 people die prematurely a year from coal-related air pollution.
    As renewables and end use energy efficiency have grown, existing coal plants have been shuttered for good everywhere from the US to Germany to the UK to Australia and beyond.
    On the supply side of the equation, the phenomenal and sustained falls in the cost of renewables is fast making solar and wind the default options of choice for new centralised power generation. For many distributed or off-grid projects, solar has all but won the race."
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