I have been thinking about this main point to ask the population...

  1. 2,549 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 468
    I have been thinking about this main point to ask the population about "MANDATES" for COVID-19 Vaccines.

    Here is what we know:-
    1. The Medical Handbook clearly states that nobody should ever to forced or coerced into taking any vaccine against their wishes.

    2. Does the Majority of the population NOT understand that the "Vaccines" were meant to "Reduce deaths?" If everyone in Australia says YES to that very question then why the sudden 15% of excess deaths in Australia after vaccinating most Australians in 2021?

    ABS statistics have shown an amazing increase above the average prob ever witnessed! Does the Majority NOT know this OR NOT understand the reason why getting "Vaccinated" in the first place was to reduce deaths NOT increase deaths?

    Then we have the DATA! Is it NOT impossible for the great citizens of this country to ask why we cannot see the Government Data?

    Then we have this article about a couple and a Doctor. The outcome was a tragic death! Now when we reflect on the opposite scenario
    A doctor and his Patient getting "JAB" by a Mandated needle and within hours the patient drops dead from Unknown causes? What is this action called? "Happy Ending?" LOL The irony of stupid is stupid doing the same and convincing the Public there is a difference!

    You cannot make this stuff up!
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