Daytraders Weekend After Market Lounge 27th-30th March, page-159

  1. 6,881 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    But Marty you're relatively new. There are people who have put up with his nonsense and calls for years.
    There just comes a time when it all wears thin - like the welcome mat. 'Yachtsville' was just the straw that broke the proverbial.
    I've also been calling for the Heart system to be changed. These people do get followed as do their
    calls and he is bang out of line most of the time. As I've said before there's someone who keeps
    saying he has 1000 followers. BUT 900 are probably not even on HC anymore. Also can't stand
    that the gutter snipes take away from the goodness and great work of the likes of HLL, Mitta, Pisces, John435,
    Happy Cats etc. Welcome aboard Dr Seuss
    Last edited by Scouse: 28/03/15
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