evening all hope everyone is having an enjoyable Easter break if...

  1. 22,593 Posts.
    evening all hope everyone is having an enjoyable Easter break

    if you have a moment imo this chap has got some insightful views on trading .. well recommended


    Respect to the trader who hasn’t yet been able to reach profitability, has experienced dark days of setbacks and devastation to either their trading account(s), their psyche, or both, yet they continue to persevere, unwavered and determined to become profitable. As long as you have the ability to learn from your mistakes, to constantly hold yourself accountable when you deviate from your methodology or your trade plan, to never stop learning – there is nothing that can stop you

    Respect to the trader who has come and gone, unable to find their way to profitability. You took a chance, a risk, and though it may not have worked out the way that you had originally envisioned, at least you possessed the courage to try. How many will be filled with regret in their final moments of life, regret that they settled for what was comfortable and safe despite their ever present lack of passion for the career path that they chose? Far too many, in my opinion, and that’s a damn shame. So, if you tried to make it as a trader and were not able to see it through to profitability, for whatever reason, know that though it may have felt and still may feel like you failed, you actually succeeded in the sense that you took a risk, and that’s what life is all about, taking risks. There is no shame in that, only the highest level of respect and admiration

    Respect to the trader who gives back to others. Whether you’re profitable or unprofitable, giving back along the way is something that will only make you a better trader and person. Whether you’re giving of your time, talents, or money, you’re part of the driving force behind a movement of selfless trading professionals who seek to recreate the image of the trader that has been tarnished by Hollywood, politicians, and greedy egomaniac sociopaths like Bernie Madoff and Jordan Belfort.

    Respect to the trader who acts like a trader.
    • A trader is not someone who mocks another trader for their losses or misfortunes.
    • A trader is not someone who sugarcoats their performance if they share it publicly, keeping in the dark the cost of doing business trades (losses) only to shine a spotlight on the winners; doing so only hurts the community of new traders who get the impression that successful traders don’t experience losses and drawdowns.
    • A trader is not someone who takes advantage of the naivety of others via sham trading subscription services or products.
    • A trader is not the majority of the guests on CNBC acting like they have a f*ing clue where the market is going in the short term. A trader doesn’t predict, a trader reacts.
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