RAP-should provide from the current level very shortly. Volume...

  1. 9,992 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 620
    RAP-should provide from the current level very shortly. Volume minimal under 3.4c atm all it needs is some volume to come into 3.4cand 3.5c to signal a possible bounce. Currently not holding but did appear on one of my O/N scans.... Close on or above 3.6c would be ideal .

    PSY- Broke out of downtrend channel at .200 even holding its gains all day with no real sell off late.. Im holding this as I bought the break and after watching the trading late yesterday believe another push up to that 25c-26c region is close..

    EMG-worthy of a watch when it breaks 2c and holds could offer a great DT or swing...
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