just because some loudmouths label anything they don't agree...

  1. 18,056 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 161
    just because some loudmouths label anything they don't agree with as a 'scam' without further investigation or even knowledge what the agreements are about and why special consideration - say in the Paris Agreement - was given to latecomers to our so wasteful capitalist world (China, India - regarded as developing nations and given some leeway, allowance, since 'we' - the West - are at least one hundred years ahead in the 'raping' of this world and resultant pollution in support of a better living standard - which we all enjoy, thankyou - ) - doesn't mean those agreements are bad, or a scam - most people are too lazy to inform themselves. Trump is 'learning on the job' but above all he is a populist and wants to hang in there, no matter what the cost. There is no way countries can go it alone nowadays, unless there is a big catastrophe and then we'll all have to go it alone - for those who survive, it will be apocalyptic . . . . or at least back to basics.

    On immigration I tend to agree, new contracts need to be drawn up, but countries make up their own protective laws already; elect leaders who will look after that aspect. I question whether one can really stop the unstoppable, caused by riches in one world, poverty in the other and climate change and social upheaval in the originating countries, where, for example, the CIA (America) has caused enough trouble for over half a century and now vengeance or poetic justice of a sort looms in the form many big and little steps northwards - to America - a similar draft effect can be observed in Europe. Move they will, north it will be and no wall will stop that in the long run.
    In the meantime lets make laws, I am all for it, because poverty shared isn't going to help anyone in the long run and the super-rich will always have their hideouts.

    Trump has simply picked up on generalist gripes and on the fact that there is real poverty in the States and those jobless working class dudes of middle America have voted for him. Whether what he plans to do is really going to help them is another question and I hesitate to use the word 'planning' in connection with Trump. So far he has:
    kept the press busy with his dirty secrets, his attacks against the press (which is totally undemocratic and we should all be very very concerned), lived off successful slogans, only helped his rich buddies, has sharpened the Middle East crisis (U.S. embassy in Jerusalem) - today he came out with another statement supporting the Saudis (in connection with the Kashoggy murder) - how low can he sink and drag Americas reputation down further?
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