discipline Singaporean style

  1. 11,511 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1153
    Anyone ever marveled at how clean Singapore is and the total lack of graffiti? The link below gives a hint why.Young blokes around the world aren't scared of a smack on the wrist ,counseling,probation,fines , home detention or even a few months in the can BUT I don't think there are too many who can taste the rattan(cane) and not be left with a very permanent desire never to taste it again !  oh the pain the pain LOL Would it work in Australia? I reckon it would but it will never get up because the "bleeding hearts" would call it cruel and inhumane
    Interesting the two countries in the world with the lowest recidivism rates - Singapore and Japan.....could it be a little thing called DISCIPLINE ?
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