"Well. well, well, you're not much of an expert are you then,...

  1. 23,346 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Well. well, well, you're not much of an expert are you then, geez, imagine asking me for guidance especially when you go bananas with whatever I give you, so much for getting a monument for your achievements"

    "No, not going to give you anything, as since you consider yourself so smart, then you do your own hard yakka like I did"

    Well, well, all the hallmarks of a true Christian NOT.

    "expert, consider yourself smart" = The only ones Ever saying such nonsense, is the likes of you and some others on here, hmmm..

    On numerous occasions, I have Never credited my findings to myself, but to the Father and Son and as Jesus says, I can of my own self, do nothing.
    John 6:45 - It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.

    This God referenced here, is the Father that Jesus defined independently of himself as the Only True God, who IS the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, that glorified Jesus.

    Jer 31:34 - No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, 'Know Yehowah,' because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares Yehowah. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more."

    I believe EVERY word He and Jesus says and that Means, I do NOT need the likes of your Forefathers lies, to know the true God and his Son.
    "Least of them" -> Certainly shows, that you don't need to be some professed expert EH!
    The Bible alone with them, WILL do it and Bring you salvation, NOT the CC's who did NOT even begin in THE ROCK, according to You.

    Sadly though, most that come away, come with the CC's corrupted seeds, hence the above verses as the evidence shows, are void for most Christians, resulting in the 30,000 plus the CC's.

    One of your Books quoted as being removed, I was already aware of, and it shows EXACTLY what I've been saying = most will be off the Key and core truths, until Jesus comes and exposes the lies, which 2 Thes 2 shows, what's revealed in peoples Temples, gets exposed by Jesus.
    The trouble is though, just prior to this exposer, the Few have already been gathered, and the wrath follows, as the Tribulation has just finished prior eek.png

    Hence she is drunk with their blood and God has to wipe away their Tears, of the ones that held onto Jesus's truth, that he made known when he come.
    "If you don't know the basics on the history of the bible, you definitely do not know the history of the church especially the CC to make any informed decision of it legitimacy or going in apostacy"

    You have posted said questionable history info, supposedly of what they were teaching, around the 100's and maybe a touch before.
    And this history, effectively shows the beginning, of running off the rails and we know this grew more by the 3-400's and sealed.
    We know it was running off the rails as the Bible, as to what the writers teach, Apostles, Jesus etc, do NOT match you claimed history teachings.
    Hence that IS the apostrophe, falling away referenced in 2 Thes 2

    You have proven many times, that 2 Thes 2:11 is in play, I place before you at times (test), equivalent to an A4 piece of paper before you, which we know is white, and You with all your mite, will insist that it is Black.
    Can you for one minute sit back and think for a moment, can you imagine what would go through your, mind seeing such???????????????
    Like, you have got to be KIDDING me etc.
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