Does Greens Milne say “just let them die”?

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    Column - Does Christine Milne say “just let them die”?

    I have a question for Greens leader Christine Milne about what she agrees is the “slaughter of innocent people” in Iraq and Syria.

    So, Senator, what would you have us do?

    I ask politely — no abuse, no anger — because what you said last week struck me as so horrible and heartless that there must be some mistake.

    Senator, I must have misunderstood you.

    You cannot possibly be so dead to what you say are the “images of barbaric behaviour” we’ve all seen from the Islamic State.

    You cannot possibly mean what I understood you to say: Let them die.

    Let the men be decapitated or crucified.

    Let the women be raped and sold into slavery.

    Let us not answer the screams for help from Christians, Yazidis, Shi’ites and Sunnis the jihadists deem not sufficiently devout.

    Let our soldiers and airmen stay at home, watching on TV the astonishing cruelty they know they could stop if you would let them.

    Am I right, Senator Milne? Is that what you really mean?

    I ask because your words were not as clear and plain as mine.

    So maybe I’m just slow to understand anything not simple. Or maybe — just maybe — you lacked the guts to tell us precisely what you’re urging.

    So let me politely repeat what you actually told us last week, to see if I’ve been unfair.

    (Read full article here.)
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