DOJ Unveils 'Seditious Conspiracy' Charges Tied To Jan. 6, page-7

  1. 2,649 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 249
    It is a very significant step.

    Until now, the absence of sedition charges had been bolstering one aspect of the pro-trumpian misinformation - i.e. 'if it was sedition, where are the sedition charges?' Ok, hold my beer...

    Trump, made a bold and shameless attempt to hold power after losing the election. No point in reiterating all the ways and means by which he made that attempt, including a particular incendiary speech, urging protestors onto the Capitol Building while it was in session.

    In a typical cowardly lie, he told the crowd he would march with them...but didn't, of course.

    The unprecedented and stunning public letter from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Armed Forces, reminding them they swore their oaths to the Constitution, not to Trump, is a reminder of how seriously the ongoing threat to the democratic election outcome was taken and indeed, where the threat was coming from.

    As for Trump, I expect it is technically and practically (not to mention, politically) impossible for him to be charged with sedition in relation to acts he committed during the period he was President.

    However, some of Trump's enthusiastic cohorts may now be suffering trepidation, since he did not issue pardons for any relevant acts they may have committed in that respect.

    Still clinging desperately to Don and trying to bully the Republican Party into remaining 'Don's Party' and trying to catapult Don back into the Presidency is all they have left, but that has no direct bearing on whether criminal charges are slowly approaching them in the meantime.

    The wheels of justice grind slowly, but exceedingly fine.
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