Don't Mention the War

  1. 10,413 Posts.

    This is like Fawlty Towers.

    For a decade now, Bush Jnr, Howard, Blair, Obama, Rudd, Gillard, Cameron and now Abbott all tell us that:

    There's an obvious elephant in the room. Clearly islam has declared war on us but we are unwilling to recognise the obvious because of PC .

    They've all been engaging in semantics. Al Qaeda and now ISIL make clear in their protestations that they are acting like barbarians in the name of Allah, of islam. Our leaders pretend that this is not the case.

    The response from our muslim brethren in Australia is a big Yawn to the barbarity being committed in the name of their religion in Syria and Iraq, outrage about Israel protecting itself against its own home grown islamists and apoplexy about our government moving to legislate to protect our citizens from terrorism.

    It's not had to join the dots - unless you're a Green - and the evidence clearly points to the fact that our unfettered and non-discriminatory immigration and refugee policy has set our wonderful nation on a path down the gurgler.
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