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Daytr Yes amusement level! I don't really find these people...

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Yes amusement level! I don't really find these people amusing they all sound to me like unemployed teenagers posting from their parents lounge room while they are at work!! I find it pretty sad really and I have compassion for them as it is hard to find employment these days.

    Property market.
    I was In the building game during a big downturn in the Property market and no one had work and that was in the 1980's it was rough there were months when hardly anybody had any work and chippies were out fixing fences and quoting for domestic fences and the like. The price of labour went down quickly.
    One of the problems with the current generation of your tradies is they have not been through a big boom and bust cycle yet and they don't believe it could ever happen, Ive met lots of them that say that and so in they go borrowing $50,000 for a new flash 4wd ute and a boat and a new house. There was another cycle in the late 90's I think it was but it was much less pronounced. One of the other reasons the housing market has not yet collapsed is due to the first home buyers grants and of late the new home buyers grants and of course the Negative gearing tax concessions. All of these cost Australian tax payers a lot of money and wont stave off the next cycle for much longer.

    People have to accept the building industry and indeed the world travels in cycles and the more the Financial organisations like the RBA et all try to stave off the next down cycle the worse that cycle will be because of the unrealistic prices and debt that has accumulated because of the RBA/FED talking up the property market and keeping rates too low for too long.

    It will happen its just how soon, Ill give it a year at most.

    All the above is just my opinion but tempered with real world experience.
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