Dazzler "Share Trader high volume with goal to make profit from...

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    "Share Trader high volume with goal to make profit from increase in stock price, buy / sell trading."

    Not just a goal - you have to set it up like a business (have a trading plan etc) - and be reliant on it for income (most if not all)

    "So therefore depending where you class yourself"

    You don't get to classify yourself - you have to get the ATO to agree that you are a trader..

    " So my understanding was as a Share Trader the profit / loss would be added / subtracted from your income tax? PAYE?"

    Pretty sure that's not the case.. I might be wrong..

    "But what from I've seen since most of us trade to make net profit from share price we would mostly be Share Traders for tax purposes."

    No - you are thinking of a 20 minute on screen transaction - as far as the ATO is concerned, you are buying a part of a business every time you buy a share - Doesn't matter how long you own a part of that business..
    Same as if you bought the café down the road - owned it for two weeks then sold for a profit / loss.

    "I think I might need an accountant this year"

    Best $1000 you'll ever spend!
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