That's not the group of voters you should worry about, they have...

  1. 14,257 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 496
    That's not the group of voters you should worry about, they have and will always vote with their self best interest. they are only a small percentage of the vote.

    It's the groups that want to change the fundamental way the country runs by popular vote, you should worry about. They are becoming more of a threat to public servants than you may or may not realize.
    If for example a minority group gains power because the young that have become of voting age want change, then they will give power to minority political groups because the young and next generation voters are one of the largest groups to vote.

    If they for example believe that mining is a threat to their existence they will vote for a party that will stop mining, but if they stopped mining then the vast amount of loss in royalty's would cause the loss of public servants, and the general standards of living.

    Andrews knew when to get out, Public servants will become less anyways because most of their jobs will go to AI in the very near future probably i say, i don't really know. but Ai is everywhere now and people love it, even if we are unsure how it feels about us, because it can think for itself.
    That's got to be good doesn't it? more efficient, more productive less cost. more profit for the shareholders.

    It's the new technological revolution and the new belief systems that are more of a threat to public servant jobs than Peter Dutton, mate, and new belief systems are good right?

    It's the nature of the Beast with live with these days.
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