False terror?, page-27

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    When people deny their freedoms for the sake of security

    They deserve neither

    We are going to war in the middle east very soon,they are rallying public support

    The elite control both sides through hegalian dialectic

    The tragedy of what is just about to happen in this world is another contrived war in which the plebs surfs or common man will kill each other in another so called righteous holy war ,good vs evil,all created far in advance to bring about a one world government for the sake of the unity of mankind and to legislate some grunt to the united nations to impose its will on sovereign nations

    Another create the problem=the plebs cry out for a solution=surprise surprise they will have the above solution and we will all wonder how the hell did we lose our freedoms as individuals?

    Create the and finance the enemies you need,its nothing new
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