- perhaps this should be in 'general'

  1. dub
    33,892 Posts.
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    Aunty's got wind and MPs cry foul
    July 8, 2004

    THE ABC has come under fire for wasting taxpayers' money on a new website which encourages children to "make better farts".

    The Federal Government is outraged that the national broadcaster axed the popular children's show Behind The News because of a lack of funding, but managed to find money to teach kids how to break wind more effectively.

    Respected scientist Dr Karl Kruszelnicki has written a column for the site called Begone With The Wind, telling children that "the average fart is a wondrous event". Children are also encouraged to take part in a "Great Fart Survey", a "Great Baked Beans Fart Experiment" and to submit poetry about bodily functions.

    "What are the farts of Australia's kids really like?" the survey asks. "Are we a nation of silent and deadlies or machine gunners? And how much do baked beans really increase your farting ability?"

    Another section titled "celebrity farts" asks high-profile Australians to recall their fondest farting memory.

    Stephen Curry, star of the hit film The Castle, tells young readers of his best effort "in the summer of '89".

    "After a day that included Aunty Morag's infamous baked beans and onions on toast followed by a lunch of boiled egg and tuna sandwiches, I was aware of a strange internal rumbling. I had a fair idea. A fart was brewing," Curry writes.

    While the website is supposed to be a light-hearted view of the inner working of the human body, senior ministers found the site distasteful.

    They are preparing to take their complaints to ABC management.

    The Daily Telegraph

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