Gillard demands apology!, page-84

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Excuse me, Lapdog, whilst I vomit. Chargs not able to be brought - for various reasons we (often duped) laypeople can't understand, does not always equal or convey or allow assumption of "innocent."

    This a blatant case of what has happened so often, in history - and cruelly - plenty of people, innocent, hung, shot, improsined, tortured, crucified, honor killed, beheaded - whilst the guilty get off, thrive, and prosper from their ill-deeds - and grow enormously wealthy - off their ill deeds. And it will always be thus. IS there justice in this life? Sadly, no, quite often, I contend. (And the evildoers smugly gloat.) Our grossly flawed judiciary amongst the worst of all gloaters, and overseers of freeing the guilty. (Or bailing them, as we've seen).

    Gillard, I allege, is vile, vicious, and awful. IMO, charges regarding certain allegations should be able to be brought, and we must ask, loudly and vehemently, why haven't they been?. And ask, if not - WHY not. Passage of time does not cancel out any alleged wrongs. An RC is NOT a trial, as I have postulated before. But no charge - No trial. Why is it so ?

    Hey, but there's Karma! And Karma will get them, in the end. Maybe not tomorrow - next year - but we who love righteousness, and justice, must console ourselves, somehow - no matter how despairing we might be that true justice is not to be had - that KARMA will catch up with evil-doers, crooks, liars, theives, murderers, whomever they are - some day.

    Seneca was forced to commit suicide by the Romans - for daring freedom of speech - in asserting, publicly, for perpetuity -:-

    "Time Reveals Truth".

    HE the hero. In death.

    Combating evil IS, figuratively, and always, a fight to the death. Whomever the alleged culprit. I generalise here. But sadly, the numbers of those who love the truth, are seemingly fast dwindling. Yes, evil prospers. Examples all around us. Tnis world, to me, is descending into a moral darkness of a most vile sort. Here, and world-wide.

    We are always only as good as the leaders we elect, Or promote. If they are fatally flawed, then all of us are done for. Unless we revolt. And revolt we can - via freedom of speech (what remains of it) and the pen. With Aussie would find some actual backbone - and speak up against wrongs - our complaceny is killing us.

    And what - even the veiled wife of a murderer - admitting SHE is a terrorist herself - and accused of a most vicious and vile murder - SHE is allowed by the judiciary to be "out" on bail.

    I have NO faith in our judiciary. And, I allege - this incident re. Gillard being portrayed as some flawless saint, by a judiciary member - to me, is exactly a prime example of why I don't trust our legal systems to deliver true justice.

    Something is rotten in the State of Denmark! The stink now becoming all pervading. Speak up, Aussies for God's sake. Tomorrow may be too late.

    A rant - yes - but I'm white hot angry. This still a democracy - not YET a Leftist and Far Left dictatorship.
    Last edited by iron mike: 20/12/14
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