I bet you and I have the same reaction every year to the...

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    I bet you and I have the same reaction every year to the federal budget.

    They put on a big show in Canberra to tell us all exactly how much of our money they’re wasting.

    Usually it’s all of it.

    But I watched the budget speech by the treasurer Jim Chalmers this week.

    And I watched the reply by the opposition leader, Peter Dutton.

    This time it’s worth talking about.

    Because Labor’s budget is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    Jim Chalmers brags about the $300 he’s going to give you off your electricity bill.

    That’s not nothing.

    But compared to the thousands by which power has gone up each year, it’s not much either.

    Especially when you consider that the centrepiece of Labor’s budget – a plan to spend $24 billion of your taxes in an attempt to turn Australia into a “renewable energy superpower” – will force up your energy bills even more.

    Not to mention the shocker of an effect it’s going to have on inflation over the next decade.

    Because the more the government spends, the more prices go up.

    And we know unreliable renewables are MORE EXPENSIVE.

    The sheer size of this renewable energy splurge is just terrifying.

    If you had to pay off $24 billion using an Aussie’s average monthly mortgage repayment, it would take you 5600 lifetimes before you were out of debt.

    Can you afford it? I can’t.

    At the same time, they’re closing down entire agricultural industries, like the live sheep export trade, which supports thousands of Australian farmers.

    The truth is, Labor’s budget is not about you.

    It’s not about Aussie families and farmers.

    It’s about getting Albo and the activists and elites re-elected.

    And let’s be real for a moment.

    Immigration is one of the biggest causes of the cost-of-living crisis right now.

    And, credit where credit is due, that’s what Peter Dutton spoke about in his budget reply speech.

    At least he’s talking about cutting back the unsustainable numbers we’ve been seeing under Labor.

    Because as it is, we just don’t have anywhere for hundreds of thousands of migrants to live.

    We just don’t have the houses, or the resources to build them.

    And Dutton is talking about firing up our energy base with MORE gas.

    At least it’s cheap. At least it won’t also fire up your power bill.

    Aussies need more of that.

    And far less of the activists and elites.

    More sheep, less wolf. That’s the budget I’d like to see.

    Yours sincerely,


    Matthew Sheahan
    Executive Director, ADVANCE

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