God to send delusions, page-30

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    Yet even believers who feel they have the ''Spirit of Truth''

    To be straight up, because of my findings, I am totally gob smacked, shocked to no ends, as to how,....effectively "we" have been like fish in the ocean, not being able to see the real truth, and I'm NOT kidding DBT.

    People have totally missed a VERY important KEY in Gen and God's words, I reveal the end from the beginning.

    If you get into Hebrew letter meanings, just in the word Beginning and God's 4 letters and the Hebrew word for word, a very CLEAR picture, who and what God is and word is and so on, numbers as well and I can assure you, you will see, it's not Ba'al (Trinity).

    But even if you put that aspect aside, They new NO evil, kids effectively - people SHOULD wake up -->That in itself is screaming out at you.

    The Trees are not literal Trees, the good and evil was satan, adversary, man got good and evil, effectively or did, satan in your head.
    Man has become ONE "of" US --> the "us" is, you know WHO.

    Unless man takes from the Tree of life = God --> 1 Peter 1:23 Born again by the word of God = Tree of Life.
    So what this means, we have the good and evil (adversary) in our mind and enmity going on between the two SEED'S, good and evil and NEED the Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, to counter the other.
    That is what the Comforter IS, the House, The Kingdom, your fortress, your wall, HOWEVER, at the moment, the Door is open and even for me, have the truth, cannot stop it from entering.
    Seriously DBT, when you have this basic truth, the Bible Does come alive, before your very eyes, and you go like, Oh my, which passage will I head to next.
    I have been a bit distracted and not able to just chill, and do some quite reading, to see all that we have been missing, as I'm trying to narrow down the end, so I can prepare, be ready.
    Naturally, your family becomes your concern.
    This reality, certainty, has really only kicked in, in the last 6 odd weeks, so it would seem, absolute Truth is vital.

    In the beginning WAS "The" Word = The Almighty God = The Tree of Life = WORD = He "IS" Word and that "IS" His NAME.
    Spirit/Word/Light = Full Stop = Simple's - Children.

    Lets get real Kids = Your WORD starts "IN" you --> no one knows the thoughts of your Spirit - your inner creation, plan, design as in Johns first two verses, still your Word, although, in your.
    Like Gods, Jesus was the hidden mystery, plan, within Him.

    Word wotsup, Word DBT, Word......where all words is one of Two Books, just like you see Moses, Abraham etc = FACT.

    Aleph Tav or Alpha Omega = WORD, I am WORD.
    Aleph Tav, all over the early OT (et) and was hidden from us, bull dust, in that it couldn't be translated.
    Rev tells us, the Hidden manor (word) would be revealed to some, it was.
    To who else, I have mo idea?

    Adam and Eve were not eating fruit in the Garden.
    The image Adam and Eve received was - Spirit/Word and they then had a Body/Soul - flesh after the Garden and literally had to eat and we will go back to the original form.
    So "we" are really in a spiritual world.
    And we have - a War of Words = US, a fight for Words, and the Bible is full of this language.
    The Word, Truth is a sword, divides, kills, etc as there is another spirit, influencing yours.

    God's Word, Truth, is our pasture, we his sheep, Jesus became the new Shepherd, but the Wolf is trying to eat us.
    America, I believe was founded on Christianity, given the roll of the Shepherd, but ate all the pasture and hid much of, and God is peeved and I suspect, Babylon, Babylon has fallen, has fallen in 1 hr is them, China in over Canada, (North) first Beast, with N/Korea and who knows, who else.
    Their walls are down (Holy Spirit), just as the Bible says, as it's not literal walls.

    But do you know, it's all to simple and due to mans inventions etc, it's extremely hard to set those seeds aside, to see this simple FACT.
    They will sing as of a song new, and NO man will be able to learn it, OH,.. you have no idea what goes through thy mind, when you see and experience, this reaction.
    The HUGE spider coming down the wall, and NO one can SEE it, the boy crying Wolf, but this wolf, is HUGE.

    Now then - Tree of life - God = God "IS" spirit - the Holy Spirit and those that worship "SHOULD" worship in TRUTH.
    Jesus the pre-existing Word = NO TRUTH = preaching "another" Jesus = NO, NO and NO.
    God is a Mystery and no one can explain it, so say the experts = NO, NO, and No TRUTH = Ba'al.

    When did this pack of lies start, it was started before the people in the Bible were even dead and well under way, soon after Jesus left. (Catholics, the 666).

    Angel of light = mimic - Two cars come down the road at night, Holden = God and Ford = Satan, if you had never heard the sound of the Holden, HOW can you possibly know, WHO is WHO = NOT.

    2 Cor 6:16 - And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    2 Thes 2:3-4 - Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    All the past Temples were destroyed because, Ba'al was in them, people are Now the Temple.

    So you see DBT, the answers are fair and square in our Face and I don't say this in a smart a.. way, but out of concern for all and that has been my drive, of which I have received flack for, like you could not of imagined.

    I don't know if I will be on here much longer, so even though you and I, have had some (??) exchanges, THANKS, you have helped me in quite a few ways, and you STUCK with me, on many occasions, where others would just walk.
    Your a fighter, striver and don't give up, your coming out of the hole, no matter what haha, me to.

    Take care.
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