It's pretty simple, prohibit religious certification fees....

  1. 114 Posts.
    It's pretty simple, prohibit religious certification fees. That's what this petition is asking.
    It's not asking to Muslims or Jewish people to stop eating.
    Food is a basic necessity for life and everyone needs to buy it.
    If they want products certified then do it in a different way. Not by coercing companies and taking away my rights in the process, and definitely not by giving receiving money.
    Why should I feel offended every time I buy a halal certified product.
    What happened to my rights? This gets imposed on me and I should just suck it up, I think not!!
    It's not directed at Muslims, but it just happens to be that their religion is the main component and the main benefactor. If it was any other religion doing the same I would be against that as well.
    Prohibit all religious certification fees.
    nodefamatory content can be brought...-halal-and-other-religious-certification-fees
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