Good try Scotty!Howard never regulated the milk market it was...

  1. 4,536 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 114
    Good try Scotty!
    Howard never regulated the milk market it was
    already regulated by the states.
    In the late 1990s the Victorian dairy industry
    pushed for DEREGULATION and the other
    states followed suit as they knew once Victoria
    DEREGULATED their milk market they would
    become uncompetitive.
    It ultimately allowed dairies to be able to sell
    more milk but pushed smaller dairies out of the
    John Howard’s government actually supplied
    subsidies to dairy farmers to help them transition
    out of the industry. Milk was subsidised at 11
    cents a litre costing around 2 billion dollars over
    the life of the subsidies.

    Howard regulated the dairy industry = BS!
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