Greens to block Trump visit to Australia

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    15 minutes agoFebruary 8, 2017

    Australian Associated Press
    The Greens will try to amend migration laws to give federal parliament the power to stop US President Donald Trump visiting Australia.
    Senator Nick McKim will move the amendment on Wednesday when the Senate debates migration legislation.
    It would give parliament the right to deny entry to any head of state on character grounds.
    "We believe that parliament should have the right to refuse entry to, or deport, foreign leaders on the basis of their character," Senator McKim said in a statement.
    A person of Mr Trump's character should not be allowed into Australia.
    "If Donald Trump was a rapper he would not pass a character test due to his green-lighting of sexual assault on women, mocking people with disabilities, his racism and contempt for the rule of law," Senator McKim said.
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