If any of these climate scientist really cared about CO2 they...

  1. 3,312 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    If any of these climate scientist really cared about CO2 they would be pushing Nuclear as hard as possible... As it 100% fixes the carbon issue....

    But how many will do it? None. Because they will have their funding cut if they do.

    AGW need to denounce Tim Flannery and remove him from any position where he can talk to the public, as his 'predictions' were scaremongering and outrageous.

    It's the Tim Flannerys and Al Gores of the world that are preventing any meaningful AGW discussion as they are scaremongerers not scientists. The problem then arises that the 10% of work that is good quality science and probably correct gets caught up in the 90% of AGW which is just tripe based around furthering careers.
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