I know you do not particularly like refugees but I just want to...

  1. 722 Posts.
    I know you do not particularly like refugees but I just want to tell you about a few special ones.

    Dr Munjed Al Muderis an Iraqi refugee who came by boat has become one of the country's most respected orthopaedic surgeons, one who will give Australian and British soldiers who've lost legs to improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Afghanistan and Iraq the ability to walk again, pioneering a technology that enables other amputees, such as accident victims, to lead more mobile lives. This man is an inspiration and if you read a little about his arrival by boat and what he went through you may find he is not to different to you or me.

    The governor general of South Australia is a remarkable refugee who arrived by boat and is a true inspiration to the country.

    I have to go to work so we can continue later tonight if you wish. Have a nice day.
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