Jantimot after our discussion last night I referred back to my...

  1. 722 Posts.
    Jantimot after our discussion last night I referred back to my medical texts for a better detailed analysis of a meningioma tumor or more specifically a spinal meningioma. I may have been incorrect with my initial diagnosis of a grade 3 tumor as in 90% of cases they are a benign tumor. However, that being said after re-reading your post the tumor you described does sound like it could have caused severe disability or eventually led to death due to the vascular blood supply issue.The tumor your wife actually had is very rare and only occurs in 3% of patients who are diagnosed with a meningioma.

    I told this exact information to our neurosurgeon at work today and I must say he opened my eyes, remember this man makes me look like a school kid still. He proceeded to tell me certain specialist surgeries are not covered under Medicare as the government does not deem these surgeries as a viable expense. I had no idea, absolutely no idea. He then proceeded to tell me depending on how aggressive the tumor was surgery may have been deemed not necessary. Now obviously he does not have the CT, MRI or PET scans so this is just an objective view with the detail we have. Though he did say obviously if what I told him was accurate she would have needed a specialist surgery team. Hence, the reason why you were not covered under Medicare. Further, he explained that any rare surgery that requires a specialist team will not be covered. I find this disgraceful and I truly did not know this. I hope this was a little helpful.
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