Isn't Hinch the bloke who always refused to vote because he...

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Isn't Hinch the bloke who always refused to vote because he didn't believe the system was fair in that voting was compulsory?

    Now he is swanning around on a Senator's pay packet big noting himself left right and centre...and so so glad for compulsory voting I bet!

    He was on PM Live again last night carrying on about the changes he forced into the legislation for the new and better ABCC....I just turned the show off as he is a goose....along with the others I find extremely irritating, Dee Madigan and Nicolas Reece.

    I can't listen to the bloke anymore...imo he is a buffoon, a waste of time, and just a bag of hot air...
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