Actually it took Boomers no intellectual Horse Power, It was 3x...

  1. 7,779 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 910
    Actually it took Boomers no intellectual Horse Power,
    It was 3x wage now its over 10x for a House.

    Stats don't lie....

    Anyhow in answer to @coopers question,

    Ending Negative Gearing,
    Banning Foreign "Investment" (or price manipulation as some people would call it),
    Stop Migration, and
    Banning Short Term Rentals

    Would all be things that would help.

    As would approving more Land for Subdivision,
    not just for Developers but to anyone,
    With enough Land
    Would also help.

    An example would be anything rural within 30 mins of a Town,
    Being able to be subdivided to the same size as any that have been approved within that area.

    Also a Crack Down on Developers Overcharging / having prices not in fitting with the Area,
    As well as a Crack Down on Price Gouging of Building Supplies,
    Would also help....

    As well as more Public and Affordable Housing,
    Much was sold off and not replaced,
    As well as less was built.

    One more thing Interest rates should NEVER be kept Too Low for Too Long Again.
    that was just plain Stupid during a Housing Affordability Crisis.
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