"In this case a 16 emotionally unbalanced girl (by her own...

  1. 24,086 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 34
    "In this case a 16 emotionally unbalanced girl (by her own admission)
    Let not mention No scientific training or qualifications on the subject which pretty much make her an unqualified authority.
    Unfortunately for the politically motivated, oligarchs funded hidden promoters of this rubbish their qualifications non existent."

    But that's the cunning part, as we have seen on this forum, now if we question dodgy climate alarmism and fudged figures and all the other shonky 'science' around this scam we are no longer attacking the evidence, we are attacking a 16 year old girl. Won't someone think of the children? It's clever but a bit too obvious...well obvious for some.
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