Internet phone scam, page-3

  1. 13,575 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 567
    The really worrying thing Curious, is that u could hear a whole call centre in the background so whoever this is seems to be paying a call centre army to perpetrate this scam. Its no wonder the conglomerates like Telstra r dealing with literally millions of scam cases every day. Perhaps they need to use the likes of AI to filter these calls as it would b dead easy for AI to spot such basterds. Not that its the individual scammers fault. They r probably down and out people that r being manipulated by fundamentalist organisations becos of their dire financial situation. The story never changes in these countries such as Sudan, Iraq,Iran, etc, etc.

    Is it any wonder we have the women of these countries severly oppressed by these fundamentalist regimes in the name of so-called relgious/cultural/political beliefs.

    What utter rubbish.

    Yes these countries have cultural sensitivities BUT U dont see the women of these cultures oppressed in Australia, for the most part. There r some cases that come under the guise of domestic violence. And to b quite honest this is how these cases should be treated, they r just that, a breaking of Australian/state laws rather than being beat up y the media, which only gives these fundamentalists more ammunition to express their extremely dangerous fundamentalist views, especially to their children who (they r quite happy to put an AK47 into their little hands), thank heavens (ironically just an expression being used by yours trully !!!) have a decent quality of life. They r the lucky ones.

    Is it any wonder these poor souls get on a rickety boat having paid thousands of our equivalent dollars to risk their lives and their young families to get away from these regimes in these countries.

    And it also happens in North Africa from countries like Sudan, which is an absolute basket case, as r many of these African countries r atm.

    And Trump sees this as fake news. Is it any wonder this guys is toast in the next US election given I have faith that the swinging US voter does actually have a conscience and intelligence, Thats is why they are a swinging voter. That is why the US fed security authrities have swiftly put away Trump fundamentalist supporters from the US riots becos they WOULD have been a rallying danger to middle America.

    Ironic isnt it that we even have someone like Trump behaving like Osama Bin Laden and Sadan Hussain. A ridiculous segway ? Not imo.

    Then we have the other end of the spectrum with an Asian plastics recycling plant slated for the Wingecaribee flood plain just south of Moss Vale.

    Our state and federal governemnts r promoing a very questionable project and taking advantage of a communities segregated council who is valiantly fighting this plants development from all reports. One just needs to look at the Wingecribee councils recent report to see the administrator has taken the bit between their teeth to fight this development. It would be nice if the Likes of Cannon-Brookes got behind the local council as he has a property not 2km from said plant, and a sensitive bird sanctuary, as well as the eventual flow of the Wingecaribee into the Nattai, which flows into Warragamba !!!. The State and Fed authorities need to look closely at themselves with this one. They r being pure hypocrits if they promote such a project in the name of Sino/Western relationships.

    Again the segways r a bit frighteneing given U have the Likes of the Yulongs studs (Ironicallly again) owner being a very wealthy Asian horse stud owner who has far reaching global influence with his horse business. BUT he also has roots in the Chinese commodities trade which has to be a bit frightening for Aussie investors as many of these small asx listed companies now have strong Asian ties. We just have to hope that the Asian people that have come to our lucky country will hold sway when it comes to some very sensitive world projects that r very closely associated with the current burgeoning EV market, and the no doubt massive Lithium/graphite demand soon to become reality.

    And again the Aussie government is quite happy to court the Asian financial monsters here.

    No problems it being done on a world concern of climate change issues. BUT please dont compromise our beautiful country in the name of asian concerns re their environmental issues. Sure put the plant in an industrial zone well away from such an environmentally sensitive area. The Asians have expressed concerns re their and the worlds environment, and rightly so. But a bit more thought needs to go into the positioning of such a plant even if it does cost a bit more. Our worlds environment IS important espc if we want to leave a clean world to our children as we should be leaving a CLEAN political world to the suppressed African and sub Asian children in political terms and not tainted in the name of religion, which was created by the human mind for the manipulation of the masses.

    Just ask Jesus.

    He WAS the very first fundamentalist religious leader but had very good intent and he saw this and its why he eventually died imo. He saw the danger in the Romans having control of his christianity and sacrificed himelf in the name of his relgion as he saw this would have more power than living and trying to promote a doomed religion. And it will be evnetually doomedd if they dont change the extremely conservative ways. Again an orgainsation trying to perpetuate itself on a relgious basis. Extremey dangerous when it comes to the likes of the Republicans and the associated blind southerm US voter.

    Its OUR responsbility to address such issues and not sweep them under the carpet as have previous Federal Governments. It would b nice if the fundamentalist run countries came to the party in this regards but we know they will fight tooth and nail, even with their childrens teeth and nails literally, to conitinue their oppression and perpetration of their regimes.

    Many segways here arnt there.

    But then the world is just one giant segway as is the internet.

    Issac Asimov saw this coming with his foundation trilogy an the psychological/satistical manipulation of the multi million/billion populations of the world. He did it on a galactic scale. But the principal is the same with our society. And he drew the comparison with todays developing IT world, which was just starting when he wrote this series. He really was a genious becos he foresaw what is literally happening today with IT and AI.

    Is it any wonder Musk,Gates, Biden(an his advisors) and hopefully Brookes et al, get behind the control of AI. THEY HAVE TOO to allow the perpetuation of their companies. But fundamentalist regimes WILL attempt to use AI for negative outcomes. Its why the Biden admin and other concerned countries r getting behind the control of AI.

    IT MUST HAPPEN for the world to not decend into chaos.

    Ive digressed (or segwayed a bit havnt I).

    But its important to realise that such problems originate from such small beginings, as was my experience yesterday with this scammer.

    As Telstra, and our as our Government behind the scenes(yes they do do sum good stuff) is doing, they must control such things as this chaos, as small as it is via this phone call, will burgeon into fundamentalist anarchy, as it did in the US under Trump. Perhaps this is why Telstra want to get all customers onto mobiles as this is much easier to manage security wise.

    The interesting thing is these scammers predominantly use landlines to contact people as they know its the old, conservative phone company customers r most vulnerable to such calls. They r extremely clever, but nasty, in this regard. Its why I tell my Mum to hang up on ANYONE she suspects. They can always call back or contact me,who is her first point of contact for any health/home issues, if they r a geniune caller.

    Anyway enuf of scammers and workd issues.

    Good trading today and think of the issues above when investing.

    Responsible investing can be done, and most asx companies do do this as its a part of their Aussie business genetics.

    Equus A.
    Last edited by Generalrelativity: 15/11/23
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