thanks. but your post is extreme foolishness. further, pity the...

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    thanks. but your post is extreme foolishness. further, pity the fool that TUd it

    whether the blind masses disagree with my post is irrelevant because I post the truth. the great prophets & sages were not sheeple of the blind foolish masses. they were lone warriors unconcerned with the folly of men

    now best you use your growing intelligence of recognising my high education to consider what I said (although i doubt one such as yourself that is brainwashed by the Murdoch Media & your own fears & prejudices can comprehend spiritual truth)

    however, please try to listen & read carefully

    in Genesis there are two trees:
    (i) the Tree of Death (Knowledge of Good & Evil) and
    (ii) the Tree of Life

    the Bible ends with the triumph of the Tree of Life

    please understand, whilst i do not suffer fools gladly, i can be patient with & gracious them:

    below, for beginner students

    Evolution Stage 1: two paths:

    Evolution Stage 2: the path of suffering (death)
    Evolution Stage 3: ignorance & addiction blocking the way to real life
    Evolution Stage 4: The Way Appears:
    Evolution Stage 5: Nirvana: No More Suffering: The Tree of Life
    I am here to set things right, like Jesus came set things right. Unless I am crucified like Jesus, I will not stop until the fake Xians here, who serve the Satan of Materialistic Egoism, become true Christians
    Last edited by ddzx: 10/10/14
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