Voltaire made a famous quote "In 100 years this book will be...

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    Voltaire made a famous quote

    "In 100 years this book will be forgotten and eliminated"

    Unfortunately for alot of the posters on this thread who mock something they obviously have little understanding of simply by the questions they are asking,the same fate will await them,you never hear of voltaire anymore who was quite famous when he made this quote, and he is gone and long forgotten,the bible is still here.

    Those that mock obviously cannot accept any book from antiquity simply because the bible over time is the most tested loved and hated book of all time, and has remained relevant throughout its history, has been the basis of which western democracy and the most advanced form of human rights in the history of mankind was based.

    As we see its rejection,just like the french revolution where they burned the bibles etc,moral decay and ruin are being introduced to western society in its place .

    In every other facet of society we see rules or guidelines as good

    Health laws,you disobey them,your health and vitality will suffer as a consequence

    road laws,they are there to protect and bring order,no one argues about speed limits etc as being too restrictive if we did away with road rules there would be public outcry

    Laws of science,ie you can say you dont believe in gravity,yet if you jump off a building you will soon find out no matter whether you believe it or not ,you are subject too it

    Yet in our secular society we see moral rules or laws as restrictive

    We will do as we want

    When you are trained at school what to think,not how to think

    That you came from a primordial slime pit and are the random chance of chemicals and all life just came about through accident

    You are not subject to anyone or anything for your actions,there is no ultimate meaning of life and death,do as you please,eat and drink for tomorrow we die! taught live for now there is no meaning this is it

    If there is no supreme being,then there can be no ultimate right or wrong

    Its just subjective to the individual

    But if there is,and we look around at the bill of rights,magna carta,etc we see that based on the judeo /christian model we have had the most free and successful form of government in the history of humanity,yet we mock the very basis on which this form of government was developed from

    Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17
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