I respectfully suggest you learn English. Most of your tirade...

  1. 2,372 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    I respectfully suggest you learn English. Most of your tirade sounds like AJoe when he's off (or on) his medication.

    Regarding genocide - the definition specifically states that it must include the intent to destroy the particular ethnic nation or group. That is NOT what is happening nor intended.

    October 7 was the straw that broke the camels back.
    Allow me to educate you. Israel left Gaza in 2005. Democratic elections were held and Hamas was voted in, and rather that work wit the PA (Fatah) they went about and threw them all off buildings.. and began firing rockets for the next almost 20 years into Israeli population centers.

    I suppose based on your argument that logically you would just allow them to keep doing so.

    If you were in this position you would respond and expect your government to do so.

    With that said do you also stretch your 'rational' to Hezbollah and justify their attacks on Israel?!
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