Keep those violins playing, page-168

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 154
    @Sweetsound sorry, my post upset you - but there is a dedicated thread for the 'vaccination debate' under the misnomer "Breaking News" - when it is no longer breaking news - 'news' would be a new subject, but I also know, there are probably any number of new bad boy bugs waiting in the wings to attack humanity right now, if they 'came out' THAT would be 'Breaking News'.
    . . . The Covid virus has toned down, is no longer as virulent, at least not in people who have had the vaccination. Most of us have to go out into the world on a regular basis, have jobs, have family, children, grand-children, so it behooves me to be vaccinated - it's as simple as that - so vaccination is a simple precautionary measure to prevent illness.

    You may have created this thread, but it pretends to be a music thread - am aware that musicians, especially modern musicians, singers have used popular music for outing their various convictions. The protest movement against the Vietnam war and the various iconic music festivals are witness to that - nothing wrong with that, it's a good way to motivate/mobilise people. In my younger days, I was a socialist and learnt all the appropriate songs, can still sing them, although I no longer subscribe wholeheartedly to those principles - Hitler used music for political ends, no doubt so did the Communists in Russia, so do religious people, maybe politicians too (smile.pngconfused.pngcool.png)
    Going back in history, It probably always happened, but more in the realm of pub ditties and folk music - yet the 'Marseillaise' and the various hymns to emperors and kings are early examples of official 'political' songs.

    I do come from classical tradition and I am still getting used to this outing of anything from a drug and alcohol hangovers, unrequited love, to heart-felt convictions of all kinds in the popular music scene. It is all part of the human condition and our penchant for story-telling has found a financially rewarding way to express itself. And yet there are major talents out there . . . . of whose existence I was unaware (and this thread helps!)

    I have only today for the first time really and honestly listened to Whitney Houston and am overwhelmed by her singing and interpretative skills only to find out she died 11 years ago at a fairly young age. So sad!
    So have a happy weekend, Sweetsound - say what you like - it's a free world

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