it's rarely if ever any different -------- we never have...

  1. 82,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    it's rarely if ever any different -------- we never have identified clearly where we want to go
    at best we've had big fluffy ideas and words like - 'modernise' Australia -

    what does that mean exactly? - well, it's never really pointed out - and it's almost never that governments have told us 'how'

    sometimes they seem to think they tell us how - but, it's usually just smoke blowing out of bums

    like Albo's houses that they are going to build - here's the bucks? great - how are you going to do it when we can't fix houses and build new houses for people who were displaced by things like Gold Coast storms?

    how are we going to build a million houses - when we can't even fix the half of all new apartments in NSW with serious building defects?

    Like Duddo's nuclear ideas ---------- he's gunna get SMR's? great - how? they don't even exist?
    He's gunna plonk nukes in old coal stations - ? how? He's gunna do this to save building poles and wires ---------- ok, 'how is that? because the old poles and wires coming out of the old coal stations are decades out of date and need replacing anyway - so, 'how' exactly is this a money saving idea

    we're great on the bullshit ideas - very short on real ideas and there's total drought on 'how'

    oh wow - let's build bullet trains and have nuclear power stations and all that kind of stuff -----

    yeah right ----------------- and we can't even dig a bloody tunnel for a hydro project - which we do know a bit about

    pfffffffffffffffffffft - the bullet train to bullshit city and the nuclear power plant nightmare -
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