Labor to re-introduce Carbon/mining taxes, page-57

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    As Australians continue to rage about the unfairness of the Abbott Government’s first budget...

    So what's fair then? All the nimbys at it again...yep cut all you like to balance the budget but don't you DARE touch MY taxpayer funded handouts!

    Why is it that Aussies seem to think that it is every body else's responsibility to pay extra taxes but not their own? Why is that employers should not be given any tax relief, being of course they are the ones creating the jobs for all the complaining plebs, and the expectation is they should pay MORE.

    ...was the mining tax a great success? Did it bring in the billions of dollars that Swan told everybody? Hardly, we are better off giving miners the opportunity to employ more people and make better profits and invest here.
    It never ceases to amaze me how all the punters reckon the minerals belong to us so we should reap the benefits...ok then, here is a shovel...go and dig it up so you can sell it...Why shouldn't the mining companies be rewarded...they do the work, they put up the money and they take the risk!
    All the mining tax did was to create a sh*t fight between states and feds, Royalties or Tax...who pays what. If the MRRT stayed the fights and arguments between states and Feds would go on and on and on.

    What about Gillard's Carbon Dioxide Tax, was it fair and equitable? Did it assist families to reduce their "carbon imprint"? Probably did as pensioners and lower income families turned off their air conditioners and sweltered in the heat instead!
    What a joke a carbon dioxide tax really is...taxing the air we breathe...we all knew the Governments would figure out one day how to tax the air we breathe...well the ALP managed to didn't they.
    Carbon Dioxide, the life giving gas on this earth for all plant life, and the dopes at the ALP want to tax it!

    If there has to be an action to assist in removing carbon dioxide, which there isn't imo, why does it HAVE to raise revenue? Why can't we have a Direct Action Plan to assist which we all pay for in some minor way but isn't a massive impost on business?

    Just as an aside, were people aware just how much R404A refrigerant gas went up thanks to Julia's stupid carbon dioxide tax?
    It increased in price from $92.88 kg to $377.71 kg overnight..400%....and guess who paid that...all the supermarkets and cold stores for their fridges and all the transport operators for their fridge units on trailers. And punters look around in amazement and wonder why food prices increased! just luckily the Coalition stepped in and got rid of the garbage tax before it was imposed onto diesel fuel as well...

    And the ALP says they are for the people...yeah their own people with their snouts stuffed firmly into the taxpayer funded trough!
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