Labors Tax Grab on Super, page-3

  1. 6,204 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Communism has been proven as a dud , socialist style capitalism is the next cab on the rank , robin hood stealing from the so called rich to pay the poor will be a short lived ponzi type scheme as eventually they will run out of so called rich , then the
    new rich will be the middle class , .....spiraling down to marxism .

    The ideal is to create and foster incentive to create wealth which trickles down to all and asunder....not as the socialist labor does by stealing from its citizens who created the wealth....all they will do is shackle and impede those that create wealth for all .

    Be wary and very afraid......Super is a honey pot for pollies sticky fingers , your house will be over taxed , SA labor is introducing a land tax of between $1200 to $1600 p.a ..every p.a....on every household......the greens want to introduce death duties....

    Live in a modest house , withdraw all or invest little in super , get a family trust....
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