Good points. Amazing to watch the leftie media making out that...

  1. 11,972 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3121
    Good points. Amazing to watch the leftie media making out that some how Facebook is the main culprit for allowing live streaming of the shooting when it’s the left wing polticians like her who allow wholesale immigration against the majority’s preferences. Let’s blame Facebook or change the gun laws. What idiots these people are. This is a direct case of misleading the people while on their watch, they screwed up. Now it seems that the Australian authorities have screwed up because this hidden nutter was not on a watch list. NZ is as dumb as Canberra and hiding behind excuses is more proof of their incompetence. If these tools don’t listen and see the obvious, they will become targets themselves. Homer Simpson will be there with a bacon sandwich watching these morons make even more excuses.
    Crazy will only get more crazy when idiot politicians keep making the wrong decisions and ride over people. As I have said before, they are missing the point and refuse to get wise. London, France and Oz are growing further apart because of politics, not gun laws.
    Ps- the media are also directly responsible for dividing the population with baiting articles around politics. They remain another serious cultural issue who could learn a lesson or two themselves. Not going to happen. No one should take a life and politicians need to admit they cause most of the problems in the name of growth.
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