''Homosexuality is absolutely useless in nature. It serves no...

  1. 82,083 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Homosexuality is absolutely useless in nature. It
    serves no purpose or benefit whatsoever.''

    oh, you are so certain - did you ever consider that it may have a use, but that you are merely ignorant of it? - see bottom of post

    ''The anus is not designed to be used for
    sexual activity, no matter what you and the
    nutters say.''

    so, you being an anal canal expert ---------- tell me this -

    what design purpose is it that a male orgasms when the prostate is massaged by entering via the anal canal to stimulate it

    I'll wait - please take all the time you need and if you have references it would be appreciated

    As to your ignorance on purpose

    One prominent theory is the "gay uncle hypothesis", which suggests that homosexual individuals can increase the reproductive fitness of their close relatives by providing resources and support to their offspring, thereby indirectly passing on their genes

    . This is an extension of the theory of kin selection, where altruistic behaviors that do not directly increase one's own reproduction can still be evolutionarily advantageous

    .Overall, while there are plausible biological explanations, the evolutionary purpose or origins of homosexuality remain an active area of research and debate. The scientific consensus is that sexual orientation likely arises from a complex interplay of biological, genetic, and environmental factors, rather than a single cause
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